EQ in Action Profile

Coaching with Rapport, LLC

Individual profile reports graphically display an individual’s level of fitness on seven dimensions of Self-Reflection and Empathy. This is followed by a brief narrative description of what is measured and the implications for an individual in work relationships. Individuals are encouraged to consider how this information fits with their own experience and to interpret this in terms of their life experience in different situations. The information provides a valuable tool for noticing and practicing self-awareness. It is also useful for engaging family members, colleagues, and friends in a discussion on the degree to which this data fits their experience of them. The profile summary can be used as a rich resource for further exploration.

Emotional intelligence (EQ) impacts one's effectiveness as a leader, accessibility as a colleague, and fulfillment in relationships.

The online tool asks individuals to react to several video segments of a person talking directly to them. Respondents are asked to track their own experience as they watch the videos and attempt to understand what the other person might be experiencing. Respondents are given about fifty words and statements for each video segment and are asked to rate the degree to which the word or statement fits their actual experience. 

Emotional intelligence (EQ) refers to the ability to perceive, control and evaluate emotions.


getting to the heart of what’s most important as a pathway to change


The consult includes a copy of your profile, an interpretation of the results, and a copy of EQ Fitness Handbook: 300 Daily Practices to Build EQ Fitness.

The result is an EQ profile summary that reflects your reported experience.

How does it work?

The EQ in Action Profile maps what neural pathways get activated in difficult relationships at work and offers a guide for ongoing development of the self for high-performance, successful relationships, and an overall sense of wellbeing and vitality in living.

The EQ in Action Profile measures your level of fitness on seven dimensions of self reflection and empathy.  It can be taken in isolation or can be added to an individual coaching package.

EQ in Action Profile

​​​Research Findings:

  • Emotional competencies are twice as important in contributing to excellence as pure intellect and experience

  • ​73% of abilities reported to be key to superior performance were emotional competencies

  • ​On average, close to 90% of leadership success was attributable to Emotional Intelligence

Daniel Goleman

Working with Emotional Intelligence